Wednesday, September 17, 2008
A week of highs and lows...and another milestone
The great part of the last week is that I recently met a wonderful man and we are growing closer every day. His name is Chad and he makes me happy!
Monday is my weigh-in day at Weight Watchers. I am now down a total of 50.4 pounds since January 21st.
This weekend, my brother and his family are coming up from Miami to celebrate my niece's first birthday. I can't wait to see nieces, of course! :)
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Life Check List
Stressful, my hours have been cut (more on that later)
Good though concerned about my grandma. She's 88 and having some issues.
Most are good. However, Steve was in the hospital this week because of chest pains. All checked out fine. Now we move onto another doctor. Beth found out she has a broken arm from her fall in Virginia Beach. She will not need surgery but this will keep her from Ironman Florida on November 1st.
Weight Loss:
Great...down 46.6 pounds since January 21.
Finished my second half marathon on August 31st with a time almost 15 minutes faster than my first one. Now I'm signed up for a full marathon! I'm not sure what I was thinking when I was talked into it.
Dating/Relationship (pick one):
It's Great!!!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
What was I thinking?!?!?
My friend, Rick, is doing both the Half Marathon and the full Marathon dressed in Star Wars armor to raise money for charity. He's walking the race...I will be part of his support crew. At least I'll be distracted by this. LOL
Here's the craziest part...The Disney Marathon is the VERY strict about time cut-offs. What makes me think I can do this? Well, you never know until you try!
So, now in addition to sharing my weight loss journey, I'll be sharing my journey to 26.2 miles. Wish me luck...I'm going to need all that I can get!!!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Labor Day Bonus

See, I was telling the truth! They ARE the cutest!
(OK, maybe I'm a little biased.)
Virginia Beach Update

After a quick change, it was off to the Expo again. They needed to pick up their race packets and do a little shopping. However, this time Beth was the attention getter...we made her wear her birthday crown all weekend!

Sunday was race day so we started early...breakfast, dressing and making sure we had everything we needed! Then, we were off!!! We met everyone in the lobby:
The one bad part of the weekend was that Beth fell between mile 1 and 2...she messed up her shoulder but she finished the race makeshift sling and all. She is an amazing woman! I was pleased with my race...I finished 10-15 minutes faster than I did on my first one. I don't have an "official" time from Disney because they turn off the timing mat at 3:30...I was in between 3:40 and 3:45. Oh well!
After the race we went to Abbey Road for drinks and burgers, spent some time at the pool and then got ready to go out to dinner to Captain George's Seafood. It's an all-you-can-eat seafood buffet. I can only do this on a day I have a major workout! LOL
Here's the dinner crew:

All in all it was a FABULOUS time! I am looking forward to my next race and my next adventure with all of my friends!